Return Policy

Not in love with your purchase? No problem! You can return it within 14 days of receipt. Just ensure the product is in its original packaging and shows no signs of use – we'll check this when we receive it back.

If your item arrives damaged or faulty, don't worry. Email us at right away, and we'll sort it out with a replacement, repair, or refund.

You can start your return process directly from your account for a hassle-free experience. Simply log in, navigate to your orders, and follow the prompts to initiate a return. Alternatively, drop us an email at, and we'll guide you through the process. Once we receive and inspect your item, we'll process your refund within 5 business days. Remember, return shipping is on you, and using a trackable service is best to make sure it gets back to us.

Looking for an exchange? We don't do direct swaps. Instead, return your original item and make a new order for the perfect fit.